NEW BOOK: available now!

Reach the right audience with the right message no matter where they watch.

Are you spending your TV and video ad dollars effectively? 

Consumers are watching cable TV on smartphones, YouTube videos on the big screen, and streaming sports games on tablets. How can advertisers consistently reach their target audience in this fragmented environment, and set themselves up to succeed in this constantly changing landscape? 

Screen Wars explores the world of Convergent TV and offers practical insights for brands, agencies, networks, investors, and anyone else that buys, sells, or views video advertising.  

This book is your essential guide on how to survive and thrive in the “Screen Wars”. The most successful advertisers are those who can tailor their ad buys across all the platforms consumers use, down to the hyperlocal level. Understand the challenges and learn about the opportunities coming for advertisers.


  • "Michael is a thoughtful media mind. Much like the writing he produces each week, he is deeply analytical and understands how to be of service to a practitioner. Few know more about the intricacies of convergent TV. Buy the book and get smarter.”

    - Troy Young, former Global President of Hearst Magazines

  • "Michael Beach leads one of the most insightful and valuable resources for media industry professionals in Cross Screen Media's State of the Screens newsletter. I perk up the moment it hits my inbox every week because I know I'm about to become more informed and better equipped to analyze the ever-changing entertainment landscape.”

    - Brandon Katz, senior TV industry reporter at TheWrap

  • "The video advertising marketplace has evolved into what some participants have described to me as ‘four-dimensional chess.’ It's hard to follow which themes matter, which data points matter, or what the data is actually telling us. Michael Beach and his State of the Screens newsletter have been the most consistently reliable resources for me in answering all three of these questions on a weekly basis. Less is more, and Michael has proven a mastery of that week in and week out.”

    - Andrew Rosen, Founder of PARQOR

  • "Cross Screen Media’s newsletter is one of the few I must open each week, and Michael has brought the same voracious consumption of news media and illuminating visuals to his book. With digital advertising seemingly changing every week, a clear guide to the industry is more needed than ever and Michael’s firsthand knowledge helps him provide just that."

    - Entertainment Strategy Guy

About the author.

Michael Beach is the CEO of Cross Screen Media, a marketing analytics and software company empowering marketers to plan, activate, and measure effective video advertising at the local level. He has worked in the convergent TV space for more than a decade with experience as an ad tech founder/CEO, investor, media agency founder, and marketing executive. 

About The book.

Screen Wars follows the same concise, data-driven structure as Michael’s popular State of the Screens newsletter. Check out all the charts, graphs, and key visuals from the book here.

Nobody likes confusing jargon. 

Check out a glossary of key terms being used throughout the Convergent TV space (and throughout the book!).